During my internship at EY, I developed a marketing campaign for the National Transport Authority’s (NTA) ‘Local Hackney Pilot Scheme’.

When I arrived at the NTA on my internship, I was put in the Taxi Division to help out with day to day admin. However, the stakeholder (head of Taxi) saw that I was getting through the work quite quickly and thought I could handle something a little more complicated. That's when she asked me to jump on the 'Local Hackney Grant Scheme' project and lend a hand with their marketing plan.
According to the stakeholder, the marketing agency which NTA employed had not grasped the idea of the grand scheme being local and had proposed putting ads in national newspapers such as The Irish Times to get the word out.
The stakeholder was not happy with this and asked me to localise the campaign so as to target the particular towns the grants were available in. This was the pilot of the grant so needless to say, the budget was small, and it was only being offered in about 5 towns.
To do this, I began researching regional newspapers and parish/village newsletters. When I pinpointed which would be best for each town, I contacted them to enquire about prices and availability.
It was a steep learning curve for a 21 year old intern, but I really enjoyed it and as an added bonnus, my stakeholder was thrilled with the results I delivered.
Although rather basic, this was my first real taste of marketing and it inspired me to take the plunge and enrol in a digital marketing masters.