What is a Nut Allergy?
Nut allergy is one of the most common types of food allergy in both children and adults.
Nuts, also known as tree nuts, come in different varieties. They include:
macadamia nuts
Although peanuts have the word nut in their name, they aren’t nuts. Peanuts are legumes and, unlike tree nuts, grow underground. Although peanuts are not tree nuts, people with a peanut allergy have a similar allergic reaction as those with a tree nut allergy.
Symptoms of a Nut Allergy
Nut allergy symptoms usually develop quickly when a person eats or has exposure to nuts.
Symptoms can range from a mild runny nose to the life-threatening symptoms of anaphylaxis (throat swelling, shortness of breath, and shock).
Anaphylaxis can be fatal without prompt treatment. People with severe nut allergy symptoms should speak with a healthcare professional about getting a prescription for an EpiPen — an auto-injector with epinephrine.
People with a nut allergy may experience the following symptoms after exposure to some or all types of nut:
stomach pain
itching, particularly around the face and mouth
puffy or runny eyes
swelling lips
a gravelly throat
trouble breathing
difficulty swallowing
feeling faint
Diagnosing a Nut Allergy
You and your doctor will discuss your symptoms and medical history prior to starting the tests for spotting a nut allergy.
The following steps are carried out:
Food Diary
Elimination Diet
Skin test
Blood test
What to Avoid?
People with nut allergies should avoid eating all tree nuts even if they are only allergic to one type.
They are also advised to avoid peanuts.
Nuts have many different uses and can be in a wide variety of foods, beverages, and also non-edible products such as:
baked goods
prepared soups and chili
packaged mixes
skin lotions
hair care products
some alcoholic drinks